Presentation of the report "The impact of the longevity workforce on Spain´s economy and its resilience".

The General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, through CENIE, which aims to study long-lived societies, will present the results of the report "The impact of the longevity workforce on Spain´s economy and its resilience", a document prepared by Oxford Economics, in collaboration with the University of Salamanca. The presentation of the report will serve as a stage to analyse and evaluate the impact of the longevity of the workforce on the Spanish economy.
The proposed conference, to be held on 25 January 2024, is part of the series Notes for a Longevity Society, and is based on the consideration of Longevity Economics as a new economic category; in this context, the contribution of the Report, which distinguishes it from others, is its analysis of how the older workforce contributed to increasing the resilience of companies in Spain during and after the Great Recession.
The research, the results of which will be presented at the conference, is part of the project 'Programme for a long-lived society', approved within the framework of the Interreg V-A Programme, Spain-Portugal, (POCTEP), 2014-2020, of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The aim is to promote, with the backing of scientific evidence, the necessary debate on aspects such as the reformulation of the work cycle or the reconsideration of the potential of older people in the workplace, all in a demographic context that in 2050 will show that around 33% of the population in Spain will be older people over 65, an age group that is positioning itself, and will continue to do so, as a key player in the development of the economy, which is why it is urgent and necessary to address and discuss these issues today.
The report, The impact of the longevity workforce on Spain´s economy and its resilience, highlights that Spain has a low employment rate among people aged 55 and over and that in order to reap the benefits of a long-lived workforce, urgent measures must be taken to increase the participation of older workers in the labour market.
These measures could include:
- Rethinking the labour cycle.
- Improving the quality and working environment for older workers.
- Improving the labour market situation of older workers.
- Motivating companies to hire and retain older workers.
Date: 25 January 2024.
Place: Palacio de la Bolsa de Madrid, Salón de actos Antonio Maura (Plaza de la Lealtad 1, 28014).
09:30 - Registration of attendees.
10:00 - Institutional opening.
Ricardo Rivero Ortega, University of Salamanca Rector.
Shruti Singh, Senior Economist, Skills and Employability Division, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD: International context.
10:45 - Presentation of the report The impact of the longevity workforce on Spain´s economy and its resilience.
Óscar González Benito, Director of the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca and Professor of Economics.
Johanna Neuhoff, associate director for economic consulting services de Oxford Economics para Europa.
11:30 – Report considerations
Modera Pablo Muñoz Gallego, Professor of Economics at the University of Salamanca and researcher at CENIE.
Olimpia del Águila Cazorla, responsible for the areas of Social Security and Equality at the CEOE.
Cristina Estévez Navarro, UGT Secretary for Institutional Policy and Territorial Policies.
Carlos Bravo, confederal secretary for Public Policies and Social Protection of CCOO.
12:15 - Institutional closure and end of the event.